This article applies to Arc for macOS.
Boosts are a new way to edit and remix your internet, and share it with friends too!
How to Create a Boost
While on an existing tab, you can create a Boost by:
Heading over to the Plus (+) button in your sidebar and select New Boost
Hitting Command-T and type New Boost into your Command Bar
Hitting the Site Control Panel on the right of the URL bar and hitting the Paintbrush icon
How to Edit a Boost
To adjust a Boost
For a page that has a Boost applied to it, click the Site Control Panel icon on the right of the URL bar
Click the > icon to the right of the name of the Boost you want to edit
The Boost editor will open, and you can adjust any settings as you did when you first created the Boost.
To Rename a Boost
On any Boosted page, click the Site Control Panel icon on the right of the URL bar
Click the > icon to the right of the name of the Boost you want to edit
Click the current Boost name with the caret icon next to it (v)
Select ‘Rename this Boost…’ or ‘Reset all Edits’
The Boost Editor
- Color wheel: drag the colored dots in different configurations to change the color of webpages
- Invert lightness (lightbulb icon): press this button to toggle “dark mode” for webpages
- Advanced color controls (slider icon): Contrast, Brightness, and Original Saturation can all be changed — move the sliders to experiment with these effects
- Reset to original colors (circle with cross mark): Restore any color changes made to the original webpage settings
- Font selector (Aa options near the middle of the editor): select among various preset font options - they will apply to all text on the webpage
- Size: change the overall size of the webpage from 90% to 150%
- Case: toggle between different capitalization settings - they will apply to all text on the webpage
- Zap (lighting bolt icon): remove parts of a website that you don’t want to see. Clicking a highlighted area when the zap button has been clicked will remove the area - use this to remove things you don’t use or find useful. after zapping, clicking the [\] icon near the bottom of the webpage afterward will restore the area
- Code (bracket icon): this button allows you to use our CSS and Javascript editors; these coding languages allow for further customization of how websites look and behave. Note: Boosts containing custom code cannot be shared
- Share (blue button at the bottom): this button allows you to share your Boost with other folks using Arc for macOS. Note: if you edit your Boost after sharing it, the updates will not be shared to other people; to share an updated link, click the Share button again and get a new link
How to Share a Boost
Press the blue button titled ‘Share’ in the Boost editor
Give your Boost a name
Optional - include a name for yourself and sign your Boost by clicking the signature “squiggle” icon beneath the screenshot
Press “Share Boost”
Share the link created with others!
Boosts including custom Javascript can’t be shared.
How to Install a Boost
We’ve been so impressed by our community: check out our Boosts Gallery and see the internet in a new way!
Click a Boost link (check out some sample Boosts here!)
Review the Boost’s name, screenshot, and website it applies to.
Press ‘Get Boost’
Tada! You now have the Boost installed - a tab with the Boost applied will open afterward, so you can see the changes instantly.
Disable or Deleting a Boost
To Disable a Boost
For a page that has a Boost applied to it, click the Site Control Panel icon on the right of the URL bar
Click the Boost name
Disabled Boosts will have a greyed out Paintbrush icon next to their name
To Delete a Boost
Press the Library icon (the box at the bottom left of the Sidebar)
Press the Boosts area
Right-click the Boost you’d like to delete
Press delete from the menu that appears
Why isn’t my Boost shareable?
Boosts containing custom Javascript (created via the Code button) are not shareable. If you are unable to share a Boost, double check you don’t have any Javascript.
Why doesn’t my shared Boost update for other people?
If you edit your Boost after sharing it, the updates will not be shared to other people; to share an updated link, click the Share button again and get a new link.
Why does my Boost apply to all of my Profiles?
Currently, we don’t support applying Boosts to specific Profiles - but we’ll consider this in the future.
Can I make a Boost that applies to all websites?
Currently, we limit Boosts to apply to one domain (URL) at a time - but we’ll consider this in the future.
I zapped something and it zapped other things on other pages!
The Zap tool removes particular elements of a page, and sometimes those elements are used in multiple places across the site. If you zap something and notice it zapped other things you wanted to keep, just undo the zap! Clicking the Slash (\) icon near the bottom of the webpage afterward will restore any zapped area.
What happened to the editor you had before?
If you made a Legacy Boost in our previous editor, those are still available in our three dot menu, to the right side of the window, and can be edited in the previous editor. Legacy Boosts can also be created via the Command-T and type “New Legacy Boost” option.