This article applies to Arc on macOS and Windows.
Folders allow you to keep related tabs together for a project, or organize links you want to check out later. Tabs in Folders do not Auto Archive.
How To Create, Delete, or Edit a Folder
To create a folder, click the Plus (+) icon at the bottom of the sidebar.
To Delete, Move, or Rename Folders, right-click on the folder title
Adding tabs to a Folder is easy! Simply drag and drop the tab into the desired Folder.
How To Share a Folder
On Arc for macOS you can Create a permalink to any Folder to send to friends or colleagues!
First, copy your Folder's Permalink. You can do this in a few ways:
- Right-click on any Folder and click "Share Folder".
- Hit the share icon when hovering over the Folder's Title.
- Hit the share icon when viewing a Folder Preview.
Next, send that link to anyone on any browser:
- Once you have the shareable link in your clipboard, paste and send that link in an email, iMessage, DM, Tweet, etc!
- Anyone who has access to the link will be able to view the contents.
Arc users with your link will be able to add your Space / Folder / Split directly to their sidebars.
Non-Arc users with your link will be able to view the Space / Folder / Split in an Arc-inspired layout.
Access Tabs in Folders
On Arc for macOS you can also easily access tabs in your Folders without opening it. To do this you'll hover over the Folder title and either search for a tab or scroll through tab list shown in the preview. Then, once you select a tab, it will peek out under the closed Folder rather than unfurling the entire contents allowing you to easily access the active tab without cluttering up your Sidebar.
Common Folder Use Cases
Articles, videos, or links to view later
Files or tabs for a particular project
Recipes you love and want to keep handy
Helpful blogs for a trip
Banking and billing sites you don't want to lose