This article applies to Arc on macOS and Windows as well as Arc Search for iOS.
How do I Set Arc as my Default Browser?
Your default browser opens automatically anytime you click a link in another app.
To set Arc as your Default Browser, go to Arc > Set as Default Browser in the Mac Menu Bar:
To set Arc as your Default Browser, go to Arc menu > Set Arc as Default Browser.
How do I sign out of my Arc account?
To log out of your Arc account on your Mac simply go to Arc > Sign Out in the Mac menu bar at the top of your screen.
To log out of your Arc account on your PC simply go to the Arc menu > Sign Out.
Arc Sidebar Sync for iOS
In Arc Sidebar Sync, click the account icon in the top right corner of your screen then scroll down and click the "Sign Out" button.
How do I change the name on my account?
- Press Command-T and type "Account Preferences".
- Click the "…" button next to your email (see image below).
- Select “Change Name…”
- Open Settings by pressing Control-Comma or going to the Arc menu > Settings
- Click “Edit Account”
- Select "Change Name"
How do I change my email?
- Press Command-T and type "Account Preferences".
- Click the "…" button next to your email (see image below).
- Select “Change Email…”
- Enter your new email and password in the pop up.
- Click the email validation link sent to your new email address.
- Sign out of Arc on all devices and then sign in with your new email
- Open Settings by pressing Control-Comma or going to the Arc menu > Settings
- Click “Edit Account”
- Select "Change Email"
- Enter your new email and password in the pop up.
- Click the email validation link sent to your new email address.
- Sign out of Arc on all devices and then sign in with your new email
How do I change my password?
Open Arc
Fill out your email in the Email field.
Click "Forgot your password?" on the Sign In screen (see below).
You'll receive an email with instructions on how to Reset your Password.
Using your new reset password, go back to the Arc Sign In screen and Sign In.
Start browsing!
If you have any difficulties, please Contact the Team.
How do I delete my Arc account?
If you are a resident of California, Nevada, or the EU, you may be afforded specific privacy rights and protections related to your personal data. Check here for more info before continuing: Regional Privacy Rights Doc.
This is permanent and irreversible.
If you want to delete your Arc account:
- Press Command-T and type "Account Preferences".
- Select the […] menu next to your email (see image below).
- Select “Delete Account…”
- Follow the prompts shown on screen to complete the deletion process.
- Open Settings by pressing Control-Comma or going to the Arc menu > Settings
- Click “Edit Account”
- Select "Delete Account"
- Follow the prompts shown on screen to complete the deletion process.
If you have any difficulties, please Contact the Team.
Does Arc have internal two-factor authentication?
Arc doesn’t currently offer Two-Factor authentication (2FA) for saved passwords, but this may change in the future.
However, if you use a password manager that has an option for 2FA, you can still use it in Arc, but you’ll want to make sure you authorize Arc on your password manager. As an example, here's how you can set-up 2FA in 1Password, a manager we recommend.
Can I change my app icon? (macOS only)
Yes! Head to Arc > Settings > Icon. Unlock more app icons by sharing Arc with friends.