This article applies to Arc for macOS, but not on Arc for Windows.
What is Developer Mode?
Developer Mode is a mode for your tab that offers the full url bar across the top of your window, developer shortcuts, and a different UI.
Entering Developer Mode also automatically installs the JSON Formatter extension for an easier reading experience.
How to Turn On / Off Developer Mode
Developer Mode turns on automatically for any localhost site!
You can manually turn on Developer Mode on any tab by:
Going to Site Settings in the URL Bar (under the Site Control Center icon) and checking on "Developer Mode"
Hitting Command-T then typing "Turn on Developer Mode for this site"
Note: Developer Mode tabs have a yellow and black outline when focused.
Portrait Mode
Developer Mode includes a handy feature for taking pretty screenshots. Click the screenshot button in the toolbar (when in Developer Mode) or use CMD T... "Capture in Portrait Mode" to use it.