Dec 16, 2022 —
You can now move the Mini Video Player (PiP) around by hovering over it and scrolling on your trackpad.
Pressing play / pause on your keyboard will now edit your Mini Video Player's playback state.
Double-clicking on the Mini Video Player will close the Player and take you back to your video tab in Arc.
CMD R on Easels will now refresh all Live Captures.
Improvements to dragging tabs between Spaces! Effortlessly click, drag, and drop a tab right or left into another Space.
If you selected multiple tabs, CMD W now works to close them all at once!
The extensions and split view menu (under the ⋮ icon on the right border) now matches your Space's Theme!
Increased contrast on Developer Mode tabs in the sidebar.
You can now remap function (fn) keys in Arc > Preferences > Shortcuts.
We've fixed some crashes relating to typing non-Latin alphabet characters into CMD T.
Dec 8, 2022 —
Boosts can now detect your theme color, enabling you to create Boosts that match sites to your Sidebar! Grab the CSS for your theme colors here:
Dev tab is now auto-enabled on subdomains of localhost!
You can now choose if CMD 9 jumps you to the 9th tab or the last tab in your Sidebar. Head to Arc > Preferences > Shortcuts and search CMD 9 to edit .
Dec 1, 2022 —
Dev Tab: a developer mode turned on automatically for localhost or manually for any site you choose! Dev Tabs expose your URL at all times and provide easy access to developer tools. You can make any tab a Dev Tab by clicking on the lock icon in the URL bar.
CMD E for Extensions. Hold CMD and tap E to cycle through your extensions. If you want CMD E to always prefer Arc over website shortcuts, edit this in Shortcut Preferences.
Goodbye Top Bar Hover! We've created a new menu for Extensions and Split View Controls! Head to the upper right corner of your window and click on the three vertical dots to access.
A fresh Mini Video Player. "Pretty PiP" is now live! Mini Video Player now offers smoother controls, additional functionality, and a cleaner interface. Access by playing a video and then navigating away from that video tab. If you have a trackpad, try pinching to zoom in!
Nov 17, 2022 —
Introducing Folder Previews! You can now hover over the "magnifying glass" icon to Preview and search the contents in your folder.
Instantly create New Linear Issues. Just hit CMD T … New Linear Issue!
Arc will now ask if you'd like to Save an Address for easy auto fill next time.
Multi-selected Tabs can now be added to a New Folder in one click. Multi-select with CMD + Click, then Right-Click or hit CMD T … New Folder to Pin the selection to a New Folder.
We've made early UI / performance improvements to drag & drop, especially around flickering in the sidebar.
We hope we've made improvements to Full Screen freezing issues (most common on full screen video!). Thank you for your patience.
We've made performance improvements for members that keep a lot of tabs running at once!
We've upgraded Chromium to 107.0.5304.110.
Nov 10, 2022 —
Introducing an updated Arc Resources! Hit CMD T … / Arc Resources to learn about any feature in Arc or search any question. Can't find what you're looking for? Chat with the team directly from here too.
Toasts now show above the proper Split View Panel.
You can now create a shortcut for Resetting Tabs. Simply go to Arc > Preferences > Shortcuts to choose a shortcut (it's off by default).
We no longer archive or clear tabs playing media.
We no longer archive or clear tabs playing media.
Nov 3, 2022 —
See What's New in Arc! Release Notes now live in an Update Banner at the bottom of your Sidebar each week.
Links to Easels now include auto-generated images! You can also choose your Easel image by right clicking on any Easel image and selecting, "Set as Easel Thumbnail".
You can now create a new Google Meet meeting by hitting CMD T … New Google Meet.
You can now create a shortcut for Resetting Tabs. Simply go to Arc > Preferences > Shortcuts to choose a shortcut (it's off by default).
We no longer archive or clear tabs playing media.
Oct 27, 2022 —
Introducing Full Page Capture! Hit CMD T … / Capture Full Page or go to File > Capture Full Page to instantly download a PNG of your webpage.
New integration! You can now create can now effortlessly create a new Repl project! Just hit CMD T ... / New Repl to get started.
You can now Record a Trace or Open the Task Manager from the Command Bar. Try CMD T … / Trace.
You can now create a new FigJam File from the Command Bar. Try CMD T … / FigJam.
Outlook Calendar Previews now correctly show recurring meetings! Just hover over a Pinned / Favorited Outlook Calendar Tab to view and join upcoming events.
We've fixed a bug that prevented Extension icons from showing properly.
We've fixed a bug that caused tabs to be un-Favorited during device syncing.
We've fixed a security issue around our release download buckets. Reported by georgiostefan37 on 2022-10-15.
We've upgraded Chromium to 107, and included other recent Chromium security fixes.
Oct 20, 2022 —
Multi media tray! Control multiple audio players (including Google Meet!) in the bottom of your sidebar. The tray will appear automatically when you leave an audio / video Tab.
Speed and animation improvements the Sidebar.
Improvements to Favicon loading, especially for Favorites.
Improvements to performance for some members. We are continuing to make performance improvements with each update, please keep sharing moments where Arc feels slow!
Oct 14, 2022 —
Gift Arc to a Friend! You can now invite up to 5 people a week to Arc using your own personal referral code. Every week your code will regenerate. To start Gifting, hit CMD T … / Gift Arc or go to Arc > Gift Arc in the Mac Menu Bar.
We've made some UI improvements to Profiles.
Dev tools now stay the same size, even as you switch tabs.
Closed folders no longer expand when you drag items into them, making it easier to organize.
Oct 6, 2022 —
Profiles! Profiles allow you to scope Logins, Cookies, Browsing History, and more to one or multiple Spaces. Create a new Profile by clicking the [...] button next to your Space Title.
Multi media tray! Control multiple audio players (including Google Meet!) in the bottom of your sidebar. The tray will appear automatically when you leave an audio Tab.
Easel & Arc Notes have new share buttons in the bottom right corner! This button also allows you to easily export as PNG.
You can now add images to the Bug & Feedback Reporter! Simply drag and drop an image onto the Reporter's text box.
You can now exclude Favorites in Command 1–8 indexing. Go to Arc > Preferences > Shortcuts and uncheck "Include Favorites in Ordering" in any of the "Go to Sidebar Item" actions.
Hold Option while dragging a Tab to duplicate the Tab in the Sidebar.
Command Option Click now opens links in Little Arc!
We've added a bunch of testing to help us solve problems exiting Full Screen. Thank you for your patience here.
We've fixed a bug that broke Safari Password Importing on some devices.
We've fixed a bug that caused favicons to disappear intermittently on Favorited Tabs.
Sep 29, 2022 —
Performance improvements that will drive down cpu, network, and file system usage for certain members.
Add a custom shortcut for Duplicating a Tab. Head to Arc > Preferences > Shortcuts and type "Duplicate" to get started!
A performance issue in Google Sheets and other websites has been fixed. Special thanks to Joshua, Gopi, Jared and everyone else who let us know!
Performance improvements that will drive down cpu, network, and file system usage for certain members.
Sep 22, 2022 —
A new, more obvious animation on tabs using your microphone, camera, or both.
Super Copy! Select multiple tabs in the sidebar (Command Click) and hit CMD SHIFT C to copy all selected URLs at once. You can also do this without a shortcut by typing "Copy URLs" in CMD T or by right-clicking any selected tab.
Updated right-click menus on tabs to more easily "Move" tabs to other Spaces.
Support for sharing Notes / Easels in Little Arc.
We don't suspend tabs that are actively using your microphone or any type of recording.
Sep 15, 2022 —
The Recent Tab Switcher now includes Space Themes! Hold down CTRL and press Tab to give it a spin!
Performance improvements and bug fixes.
Sep 8, 2022 —
Moving Little Arc tabs is now more keyboard friendly. Hit CMD + Shift + O and use your keyboard / arrow keys to organize Little Arc tabs to their correct Space.
You can now use empty Sidebar space to easily drag the entire Arc window.
Disable all Arc-generated sounds in Advanced Preferences. Just hit CMD T and type "Advanced" to get there.
Theme Picker improvements, including haptics and better contrast in Dark Mode. To update your Space Theme, hit CMD T and type "Theme".
Firefox importing issues are solved! To import from Firefox go to the Mac Menu Bar and select Arc > Import from Another Browser.
We've made improvements to Easel performance and fixed a bug with Easel saving.
We've updated to the latest version of Chromium, which includes important security enhancements.
Sep 1, 2022 —
Introducing Space Themes V2! Now with more customizability, more presets, and dark mode! Hover over your Space title and hit the paint brush icon to start designing.
Zoom out on Easel for easier scanning and organizing! Pinch in / out with two fingers on your track pad or hit CMD Plus / CMD Minus on your keyboard.
A bug with extensions opening off-screen has been fixed. Thank you Ben M. for being the first reporter, and to everyone else who let us know!
Aug 26, 2022 —
Hit " / <space> ” in the Command Bar (CMD T) to filter for Arc Actions! Try / Pin, / Note, or / Split to get started!
Easels and Notes are now more integrated with your Space Theme.
The Right-Click menu for Tabs is now cleaner and more readable. Right-Click to take actions on a Tab, like moving it to a new Space.
Hints within Arc now stay open a little longer so they're easier to read.
You can now full-screen videos in Little Arc without moving them to the main Sidebar!
Fixed performance issue causing frame drops when entering Mission Control with Arc.
Aug 18, 2022 —
You can now use extensions in Little Arc!
The Command Bar now indicates if you're switching to a Split Tab.
We've fixed a bug with fullscreen YouTube videos.
We've updated to the latest version of Chromium, which includes important security enhancements.
Aug 11, 2022 —
Bugs with logging into the the Outlook Mail preview are fixed.
We've made Command Bar performance improvements to increase navigation speed.
We've continued to make overall performance improvements in Arc.
Aug 4, 2022 —
Import Bookmarks from Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Brave, and Edge! Just go to Arc > Import from Another Browser to bring all or some of your Bookmarks over.
Actions in CMD + T have been given an extra boost so they're more discoverable.
Switching your panel in Split View now allows for immediate keyboard action.
CMD + Shift + C can now can be remapped for dev. tool users! Just type CMD + T .. Open Shortcuts then map "Inspect Elements" to CMD + Shift + C and either remove or remap the "Copy Page URL" shortcut.
Thanks for sending over your performance issues in Arc! We hear you and we continue to make improvements. Please keep sharing by typing CMD + T … Feedback.
July 28, 2022 —
Introducing Live Captures (experimental)! Live Captures are interactive views of whatever you captured. After you save a Capture to an Easel, hit the Play button to make it "Live". Simply hit Pause to revert it to a still screenshot.
Arc now supports Handoff from Mobile Safari / Chrome! If you're viewing a tab on Mobile, you'll see an option in your Mac Dock to open it in Arc.
Arc Membership Cards are now in the Arc Preferences Pane! Hit Arc > Preferences to view, download, or customize.
July 21, 2022 —
Keyboard Shortcut Remapping is live! Just hit CMD T … Open Shortcuts to start customizing your workflow.
Snap-guides for Easel! Objects in Easel now magically snap into place along the left side, right side, or center.
Import History and Logins from Brave and Edge. Go to Archive > Import from Another Browser in the Mac Menu bar.
Favorited Split Views can now have custom icons.
15 minute meetings now render well in the Google Calendar Preview.
We've improved the design of the History / Logins import window.
July 14, 2022 —
Split View V2 is LIVE! After hearing your feedback, we've made huge improvements to Split View . The biggest difference is that the Tabs in a Split are now treated as a singular unit. This means you can Pin, Favorite, Rename and seamlessly move between Split Views.
You can now drag snippets of highlighted text into an Easel.
July 7, 2022 —
Introducing Boosts! Boosts are a quick, easy way to control the appearance and behavior of websites using CSS & Javascript. Hit ⌘T ... New Boost to get started.
Import your browser history from Brave and Edge using Archive > Import from Another Browser
You can now right click on extension icons to expose their settings.
We've improved performance of the recent tabs switcher.
June 30, 2022 —
Open a Folder to view its contents by hitting ⌘T … Open [Folder Name].
Copying addresses from the Command Bar will now automatically append https.
Delete Notes, Easels, and Captures by right-clicking them in Library.
You can now choose to have no Favorites.
Contrast improvements to Dark Mode!
We've improved interactions for adding images in Easel.
Troubles with the MetaMask extension opening are fixed!
June 24, 2022 —
Easel has a new, more vibrant color palette.
The Arc updater has a fresh coat of paint and delight.
We've upgraded to Chromium 103.0.5060.53.
June 16, 2022 —
Actions now live in the Command Bar! Hit ⌘T and start typing your favorite actions like Pin, Split, or Note.
Introducing the Space Manager! Hit ⌘T … Manage Spaces to edit and organize your Spaces from one view.
Notes & Easels are now accessible in Library. Swipe all the way left to get to Library and find them under the scribble icon.
Don't remember what Easels are? Hit ⌘T … New Easel for a refresher.
You can now right click on Arc in your Mac dock to create a New Incognito Window.
June 10, 2022 —
Easels are now viewable in any browser! Share your beautiful creations with the world.
Notes can now appear in Library. You can turn this on in the Library preferences!
Improved performance when moving objects in Easel
June 2, 2022 —
New restart window animation.
Your theme colors appear in more menus, fields, settings, etc.
Previews now have their own Preferences section.
Better UX when dragging tabs between windows.
Display Previews even if they're empty.
Video previews will now auto play in Library.
Updated look to the Arc Membership cards!
Extensions list is now scrollable.
May 26, 2022 —
A brand new Recent Tabs Switcher! Hit Control + Tab (and keep Tab'ing) to view and navigate to your recent tabs.
Advanced Theme options for Spaces. You can now increase Intensity or Graininess in the Space Theme editor.
The ability to drag files out of the Arc Library, even when Arc is backgrounded.
Better legibility and draggability of Favorited Tabs.
No auto-join for meetings in GCal preview if you haven't RSVP'd.
May 19, 2022 —
Exporting Easels! Use “File” -> “Save As” or Shift ⌘ S.
The ability to copy a URL as markdown. Try it by right-clicking on a tab!
A few new resources to Arc Resources, including Staff Picks and a couple product tour videos.
Theme colors will now appear in more UI elements like Command Bar and Previews.
The “New Tab Created” toast, that appears when your sidebar is hidden, is now clickable.
Replaced monospace fonts with system font.
New shimmer animation upon starting up Arc.
TouchID is now available for websites
May 12, 2022 —
Added dragging Captures directly into Easel from Library.
Made the Command Bar search results more stable.
Added ⌘ A to Easel so that it 'Selects All' in text boxes.
May 5, 2022 —
A "New Tab" button in the sidebar.
A dividing line between Pinned Tabs and Unpinned to replace "Explore".
Pinch gestures for zooming in Easel.
Edit and Retake options to the Capture menu.
New animations for the plus and close tab buttons.
April 29, 2022 —
Easel will now remember your preferred fonts and colors.
"Move to" is now available in Blank Windows.
RSVP status now shows in Calendar Previews.
All Preferences sections are available via the Command Bar.
All Previews now use a consistent color scheme.
April 21, 2022 —
Added a right-click menu option that lets you archive tabs below the selected tab.
Set Shift ⌘ 2 as shortcut for Capture.
Changed the address bar font!
Increased the frequency that Previews update.
April 14, 2022 —
Additional updates to button animations, making them way nicer to interact with.
Brand new options for ⌘ N, coming straight from member feedback. (thanks everyone!)
Cleaner experience with moving tabs via "Move To" in the right-click menu.
Added the ability to "Pin" and "Favorite" tabs to the right-click menu.
April 7, 2022 —
A new dialogue for when you save passwords and install/uninstall extensions.
Cute new animations to the Refresh, Back and Forward sidebar buttons.
Hovering over a link shows a new, beautiful status bar!
You can now set your default Downloads location in Arc > Preferences.
March 31, 2022 —
Individual extensions can now be pinned to Arc's top bar. You can pin an extension by hovering to the top bar, clicking the puzzle icon and clicking the pin icon next to a specific extension.
Capture now helps auto select Capture-able elements of the page. Try Capture via Command + E or by clicking the camera icon in the address bar.
Captures can now be immediately sent via iMessage, Saved to Library, or Copied to Clipboard.
Multi-select (Shift + Click) now works with Command + E to Pin or Move multiple Tabs at once.
Cycling between spaces with just your mouse is now possible using buttons 3 & 4 (helpful if you don't have a trackpad!).
Downloads are now auto archived the same way Tabs are. All archived Tabs are viewable with Command + E… View Archive.
When music sites (like Spotify, SoundCloud, Apple Music) are audible and in your Favorites, we animate their icon with musical notes!
The Google Calendar Preview now supports Around and Microsoft Teams "Join" links.
March 24, 2022 —
The Arc sign in experience has been re-designed! Give it a spin and check out your personal Arc Card along the way.
Arc now lets you Capture a screenshot of a webpage, edit the image immediately, and send it without ever leaving Arc! Get started by clicking the camera icon in the address bar.
We've designed custom tooltips that expose keyboard shortcuts on hover.
Narrowing the sidebar now keeps your forward and back buttons in tact.
March 17, 2022 —
Build your own Themes! Give each of your Spaces their own personality by hovering the Space title and clicking the paint brush icon.
Slack, Twitter, GCal, and Gmail now have custom badging when they're in your Favorites Dock.
Easels and notes now have a Read Only option (and we've redesigned the sharing menu)! Just click "Share" in the address bar on an easel or note.
March 3, 2022 —
⌘ Command + N now opens a fresh new window without carrying over your tabs. If you end up wanting to keep anything from this new window, just right click on the tab(s) and Move to → Space.
Added important security enhancements.
Multi-Device Tab Syncing is still turned off as we inspect stability. We'll send out an email update when Multi-Device Tab Syncing is re-enabled.
February 23, 2022 —
Declined events have been removed from the Google Calendar Preview.
Right click on a Tab to move it to a Folder in any space!
Multi-Device Tab Syncing is still turned off as we inspect stability. We'll send out an email update when Multi-Device Tab Syncing is re-enabled.
February 16, 2022 —
New narrow sidebar! Simply hover over the edge of the sidebar and drag to narrow. Double click the edge of the sidebar to reset back to standard width.
Cutouts (formerly "capture") has a new scissor icon in the address bar. Click this icon or use Shift + ⌘ Command + Drag to give cutout to give it a spin.
Google Calendar Preview in the Favorites dock now displays the time until your next meeting. To enable the preview, hover your mouse over your pinned GCal tab.
Issues with online payment have been resolved.
Multi-Device Tab Syncing is still turned off as we inspect stability. We'll send out an email update when Multi-Device Tab Syncing is re-enabled.
February 9, 2022 —
A Whole New Arc
We have a very big and exciting update today that will change the configuration of your sidebar.
This update drastically simplifies Arc and addresses feedback around navigation and tab accessibility that we've been hearing for months. We're so excited to share it with you! For specifics about the build before you update, please watch this loom video. As a heads up:
This update will temporarily move all your explore tabs across all spaces into one explore section.
This update includes an Arc-created "Education" space that explains how to create your sidebar in this new version. Please go through this space to fully understand what's new and feel free to delete when you're done.