This article applies to Arc on macOS and Windows.
Command-D (macOS) or Control-D (Windows)
Command-T (macOS) or Control-T (Windows) then "Pin Tab"
- Or, drag a tab above the horizontal line in the Sidebar, to the Pinned Section.
What are Pinned Tabs?
Pinned Tabs are tabs saved to particular Space. Pinned Tabs live in the top half of your sidebar, above the horizontal line. Pinned Tabs can be grouped into folders or exist on their own.
One major difference between Pinned and Unpinned Tabs is that Pinned Tabs never Auto Archive. You can read about Auto Archive here.
Pinned Tabs are a cross between an App and a Bookmark.
Pinned Tabs are like "Apps" in that they keep you contained within a specific site. If you pin the New York Times, for example, you can navigate anywhere on the New York Times website but clicking a link that would change the tab will open a Peek window, instead of replacing New York Times.
Pinned tabs are like Bookmarks in that you can get back to specific subpages of a site as well. If you pin a specific NYT article, for example, you can always get back to it by "Resetting" your Pinned Tab. You can Reset a Pinned Tab by clicking its icon, or by typing Command-T then "Reset Tab."
What's the difference between Favorites and Pinned Tabs?
Pinned Tabs are only accessible in one Space. Favorites are accessible in every Space. Learn more about Favorites here!
Duplicate Pinned Tab
- Right-click on a tab and select "Duplicate".
- On macOS you can also hold Option while dragging a Tab to duplicate the Tab in the Sidebar.
Unpin a Tab
Drag a tab below the horizontal line in the Sidebar, to the Unpinned Section
Type Command-T on macOS or Control-T on Windows then "Unpin"
Hit Command-D on macOS or Control-D on Windows
Collapse Pinned Tabs (macOS Only)
Hide your Pinned Tabs when you don't need them. This is a great feature for focus without hiding the Sidebar!
- Select the caret icon (>) next to your Space title via mouse click.
- Re-select the toggle to show the Pinned Tabs again.
Common Use Cases
Top Tabs you consistently need for a Space. For a work space, this might be your email, calendar, document editor(s), current project tabs. For a personal space, this might be your favorite news publication, social media site, streaming platform
"To-Do" Tabs that you want top of mind. For example, Pin that assignment you keep forgetting to do, or that bill you keep forgetting to pay, Unpin it once it's complete
For larger sets of Pinned Tabs, use Folders. For example, Pin your Favorite recipes in a Recipes folder, or all your in-progress docs to a Project Folder